Directives à suivre pour les EFD

In order for your DTS students to receive U of N credit for the DTS, each learning week of the DTS must be properly registered and be accompanied by the appropriate course registration fee. 

  1. The purpose and basic curriculum of the DTS has been defined by the international leadership of YWAM and U of N. To ensure that the DTS stays on course with the vision, it is essential that DTS leaders keep the purpose statements in focus, that specific goals and objectives of each school support the fulfilment of the overall purpose statements and that the content be complete.

  2. Une EFD doit comprendre un minimum de 11 semaines d'enseignement, avec un minimum de 12 heures d’enseignement par semaine pour une EFD donnée en une seule langue, et 16 heures minimum pour une école bilingue, en plus des autres activités d'apprentissage décrites dans le document "semaines entières d'apprentissage". Une EFD doit contenir un minimum de 8 semaines de phase pratique. Les responsables sont toutefois encouragés à offrir une EFD d’une longueur de 24 semaines, permettant ainsi aux étudiants de recevoir le maximum des 24 crédits autorisés pour une EFD à l'UdN. Le tout est basé sur l'évaluation des crédits à raison d'un crédit par semaine entière d’apprentissage.
  3. Une EFD est une école de formation chrétienne à plein temps. Elle est conçue de manière à ce que les applicants soient tenus de quitter leur emploi, leurs études, etc. pendant une période de temps spécifique, afin de pouvoir ainsi concentrer toute leur attention sur l’EFD.

  4. Chaque semaine de la formation doit être une semaine entière d’apprentissage, telles qu’elles sont décrites dans le document intitulé “ semaines entières d'apprentissage" Trois heures d'intercession par semaine sont requises pendant toutes les semaines que dure la formation EFD.
  5. Des rencontres en vis-à-vis entre le personnel et les étudiants doivent être organisées régulièrement pour offrir un feedback, mesurer et évaluer ce qui a été appris. Nous visons à organiser une rencontre en vis-à-vis avec chaque étudiant une fois par semaine. Voir le document “rencontres en vis-à-vis”.
  6. Une EFD doit comprendre un minimum de 8 semaines de Field Assignment/Outreach weeks throughout the total course and is to be carried forth in accordance with the guidelines defined in the U of N Reference Guide documents entitled “YWAM/U of N Field Assignment-Outreach Policy and Procedure”. “DTS Outreach Fruitful Practice“, “Minimum Criteria for DTS Staff“. The primary emphasis of the DTS/CDTS Outreach is to be evangelism, not only intercession or physical work and is to include a minimum of 30 hours per week of ministry activity serving people outside of the team. Ministry strategies are to come out of prayer. The majority of ministry activity is to involve connecting with people with the aim of facilitating them in becoming followers of Jesus. (evangelism) The Outreach in to include a minimum of 15 hours per week of other structured learning activities such as communication, team building, ministry debriefing, feedback, sharing of needs, prayer for individuals, ministry prep including at least 3 hours of intercession, and 3 times of worship as a team (God focused time) that is spread throughout each week of the Outreach. We should endeavor also to expose our students to the three aspects of the ministry calling of YWAM which includes Mercy Ministries. There should be a positive, cross-cultural evangelistic experience so that each one sees fruit. We want the students to see missions in action, and to like missions. As well, the Outreach weeks should be a conscious “putting into practice” of the teaching content throughout the DTS/CDTS. Outreach leaders should be constantly helping the students see how to apply the teaching to their lives and ministry. (i.e. How does the Father Heart of God apply in this outreach situation? What about the application of spiritual warfare, giving up rights, relationships, the Word etc.)

  7. Les valeurs fondamentales de JEM doivent être enseignées, vécues et intégrées au sein de votre EFD. Référez-vous au document les valeurs fondamentales de JEM.

  8. Le contexte de votre EFD doit être un environnement qui marie vie et apprentissage comme le décrit le Catalogue de l'UdN (dans la section sur les informations générales). La philosophie de marier vie et apprentissage est un concept d’apprentissage en communauté qui accélère et approfondit le processus d’apprentissage.

  9. Qualified trained leaders and staff in character, calling, gifting, and ability are necessary to run a DTS effectively. Therefore, there is to be on-going DTS staff/leadership training at the local base level. DTS staff/leaders cannot create, nor lead, a quality DTS that meets international requirements without on-going equipping for the task. Therefore the training of the DTS school staff/leaders must be valued in such a way that DTS staff/leaders have the time in their schedule to be trained prior to and during the DTS. DTS staff/leaders should not be expected to fulfil time-consuming non-DTS roles on the base for several weeks before, nor during the DTS. (i.e. roles that compete with their equipping and ability to fulfil their responsibilities with the DTS.) note: ‘qualified’ assumes the local base leadership has set minimum standards for qualification. See the documents entitled “U of N School Leaders Preamble”; “U of N School Leaders Characteristics”; “U of N School Leaders Accountability”; “U of N School Leaders Responsibilities”; “Who Can Lead a U of N School?”; “Minimum Criteria for DTS Staff ”.

  10. Qualified teachers, those who represent and exemplify YWAM values in teaching and interaction with students, are also vital to the dynamic learning process of a DTS. At least some of the teachers should be international, from different denominational backgrounds and should include women.

  11. Orientation to YWAM, its values, callings, and ministry opportunities should be a part of every DTS/CDTS. Leaders/staff have the privilege and the responsibility to actively engage in linking students to missions through a variety of means based on the students’ unique individual interests, gifts, abilities and callings. We want to make it easy for people to get into YWAM.

  12. Orientation to U of N and its future courses on the U of website, ““, should be carried out with students, enabling them to see the bigger picture of missions training available to them through the University. DTS/CDTS leaders/staff should make sure that all other students should have equal access to U of N course information.

  13. Assessment and evaluation are required in each DTS/CDTS:

    a. Student assessment and evaluation: criteria for student assessment and evaluation is to be clearly communicated by the DTS/CDTS leadership to the students at, and/or prior to, the beginning of the DTS/CDTS. At the end of the school, each student is to be assessed and evaluated based on the previously stated criteria. The student is then given either an ‘S’ grade for satisfactorily completing the DTS/CDTS or a ‘U’ grade for unsatisfactorily completing the DTS/CDTS.

    b. School assessment and evaluation: assessment and evaluation of every DTS/CDTS, both the Lecture and Outreach Phases, as well as the staff/leaders, is to be carried out at the end of each DTS/CDTS by both the students and DTS/CDTS staff/leaders. The local base leadership is ultimately responsible for the quality of their DTS/CDTS programme and the DTS/CDTS staff/leaders at their location, including the fulfilment of all of the basic YWAM/U of N international requirements stated in this document entitled “Guidelines for YWAM/U of N Discipleship Training Schools”. An evaluation of every DTS/CDTS school and staff/leader by both the students and staff/leaders of that school will give the necessary feedback to the base leadership regarding the effect of their own decision making influencing any aspect of the DTS/CDTS so that adjustments can be made to ensure effective transformational training is taking place in the DTS/CDTS at every location.