As you design the 50 hour learning week for the Lecture and Outreach Phase, keep the following in mind. Discipleship takes place through experiential relational processes that deepen relationship with God and others, while responsibly serving God’s purposes in the world.
그리스도인의 삶의 실천은 제자로 하여금 관계를 맺어가는 과정을 경험하도록 합니다. 교회는, 사도행전에서의 첫 시작부터, 함께 교제하고, 과부를 돌보고, 떡을 떼고, 사도의 가르침에 귀를 기울이고, 복음을 증거하고, 매일 기도하며 또 그 밖에 더 많은 일을 해왔습니다. 이 실천들은 그들을 하나님의 백성으로 만들고 세상에서 그들의 삶의 방식을 형성했습니다.
God has led us to include various corporate and individual practices in the DTS design (in both Lecture and Outreach Phase) to actively engage the whole person, with the aim of cultivating godly desires that lead to growth. These practices (e.g. instruction from the Word, prayer, service in work duty) aim to facilitate the ministry of Holy Spirit in the heart of the disciple, helping us to live responsibly out of the reality of being in Christ together. Participation, engagement and application are key. Information alone is not enough to form and live out of our true identity in Christ. As we join and participate in a community of God’s people, engage together in Christian practices, re-tell what God has done for us in Scripture and connect and apply this in the stories of our lives, the Holy Spirit can powerfully strengthen our identity in Jesus Christ and our security in the Father’s love.